~ko me kape want, intend to; be about to / want s.o. to do s.th.

Part of Speech construction
Phonetic Form (i·)ko.me.kape
Morphology ~ko + me + kape ‘Future’
    • want, intend to; be about to
      • Gram
    • Syntactic Restriction + Irrealis clause, same subject
      • Example 1220:
        Li-te ne pwama iaero re ka li-ko me kape li-apilo toñaki.
        They stayed by the river, with the plan to build a ship.
        Example URL
      • Example 1221:
        Laperus ini i-te ka mata ini i-ke ne revo i-ko me kape i-odo se toñaki kape i-tabo i-ka.
        Lapérouse was staring out to the ocean, [lit. in order to search] searching whether the ship was coming back.
        Example URL
    • want s.o. to do s.th.
      • Gram
    • Syntactic Restriction + Irrealis clause, different subject
      • Example 1222:
        Ene awa ene ni-ko me kape l-apilo sekele.
        I want them to work at their gardens.
        Example URL
      • Example 1223:
        I-ko “E, eo u-ka!” I-ko me kap’ emel’ iape pon ta.
        He said “Come here!” He wanted her to become his wife.
        Example Comment
        noun predicate
        Example URL