aidi1 form of the possessive classifier used for food, tools, [...]

Part of Speech possessive
Phonetic Form aiⁿdi
Tanema Equivalent adeli
Lovono Equivalent adi
    • form of the possessive classifier used for food, tools, customary possessions etc. (enaka*), with an impersonal possessor (idi ‘people’)
      • Gram
      • Example 123:
        Na tanoe aidi abia.
        This land belongs to everyone.
      • Example 124:
        Noma li-lanasu idi ne kula none aidi, we viñe buioe aidi.
        In the olden days, black sorcery would make use of someone's leftover food, or of their leftover betel nut.

Related entries

  • See also:
    • enaka ‘my’: 1sg form of possessive classifier for Food, Tools and Customary practices / classifier for items eaten, or meant to be eaten, by the possessor; incl. items to be chewed / classifier for items drunk, or meant to be drunk, by the possessor / classifier for objects related to food acquisition and preparation / general classifier for containers, instruments and tools / classifier for certain customary practices / classifier for language (piene) / classifier for some modern items / erotic delicacy; beloved, darling
    • iaidi people's: form of the general possessive classifier (enone*), with an impersonal possessor (idi ‘people, one’) / of the people who
    • idi1 ‘people’, ‘one’, ‘they’: 3rd plural impersonal pronoun for human referents / humans, as opp. to spirits or animals